Senior Optimization Engineer

As a Senior Optimization Engineer on the Strategic Support Team at Optimatics, Marwan provides technical support to Optimatics’ customers in a number of different geographies. He assists utilities and consulting engineers with formulating optimization problems, developing strategies, and incorporating new functionality to help solve their problems and assist with decision making.

Prior to joining Optimatics, Marwan was a consulting engineer focused on implementing sustainable solutions in developed and emerging countries for Urban Drainage and Water Distribution networks. During his consultancy time, he was an Optimizer™ user during the course of 8 design projects.

Marwan earned his Master of Science in Hydraulic Engineering from ENGEES (Strasbourg, FR) and his Bachelor of Science in Civil, Water, and Environmental Engineering from ESIB (Beirut, LB). His graduate projects focused on a water supply masterplan for the City of Aubagne (FR) and the design of a conceptual dancing fountain.