The City of Minneapolis has chosen Optimatics’ award-winning Optimizer™ software to optimize capital plans for both its water distribution system and its stormwater collection system. The City started with a trial study that included software training by Optimatics experts. Based on the success of the trial study, the City procured licenses for the Optimizer and OptiCritical software. City modeling staff and CH2M staff are actively using the Optimizer WDS (water distribution system) and OptiCritical software. First, OptiCritical was used to perform a hydraulic consequence of failure analysis to assess which pipes are most critical in the system. Data from that analysis is being combined with data on the likelihood of failure of each pipe to allow the City to identify its highest-risk assets and plan accordingly. Optimizer WDS is currently being used by the City to assess options for minimizing water age throughout its distribution system. This analysis considers both capital investment and operational modifications to improve water age.
HR Green is utilizing Optimizer for a stormwater study. The consulting firm is working with the City to develop a plan that reduces flooding while balancing impacts on the local waterways and takes into account the needs of various stakeholder groups. Houston Engineering is also using Optimizer to assist the City with its stormwater and flooding analysis.
“Optimatics is thrilled that the City of Minneapolis and their consultants have adopted Optimizer and OptiCritical to help develop highly cost-effective plans for the City’s water distribution and stormwater collection systems. We expect these studies will show significant returns on investment for the City,” said Andrew Erikson, P.E. (Illinois), Optimatics Senior Engineer.
Optimizer™, a cloud-based optimization software solution, comprehensively analyses water and wastewater systems by evaluating hundreds of thousands of asset options and capacity combinations against multiple objectives such as cost, hydraulic performance, energy, and water quality. OptiCritical™ is specialty software that uses the system hydraulic model and the GIS shut-off valve layer to enable a comprehensive evaluation of consequence of failure with dozens of parameters calculated and reported out for each pipe in a simple database format.
For further information on how your organization can experience the benefits of the Optimatics advanced optimization technology, please contact or +1-913-538-7219.

Established in 1996, Optimatics was founded by engineers who recognized the potential of Computational Intelligence to revolutionize water system planning.