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Balancing Water Supply & Demand in a Changing World
How can water supply and demand be balanced across a whole network to [...]
From Simple to Sophisticated: Approaches for Overcoming Complexity in Optimization
Optimizer™ software users around the world often hear [...]
Software Enhancements Update
Optimizer™ 6 We have had significant updates since you [...]
Building Resilient Water Infrastructure
As global demands for water infrastructure resilience grow ever [...]
Resiliency Optimisation Playbook
Optimatics is proud to announce the release of our [...]
Software Enhancements Update
Optimizer™ 6 We have had significant updates since you [...]
Resiliency Optimisation Playbook
Optimatics is proud to announce the release of our [...]
Optimatics Wins Highways Industry Award
Optimatics is delighted to be listed alongside partner Connect [...]
Software Enhancements Update
We have had 3 software releases so far this [...]
Product Update: Data Browser Filtering Capabilities
As you know, we are constantly updating, enhancing, and further [...]
Optimization 101: Tools, Terms, & Tangible Benefits
In this informative video, we tackle the [...]
Growth in Water & Wastewater Networks
The only constant in life is change, [...]
Small Mains Replacement & Packaging with AssetAdvanced™ powered by Optimizer™
The first in this special webinar series, [...]
AssetAdvanced™ for Predictive Cleaning
AssetAdvanced™, powered by Optimizer™, provides utilities with [...]
Optimizer™ for Asset Performance
Water utilities have invested in collecting data and [...]
Balancing Water Supply & Demand in a Changing World
How can water supply and demand be balanced across a whole network to [...]
From Simple to Sophisticated: Approaches for Overcoming Complexity in Optimization
Optimizer™ software users around the world often hear [...]
Building Resilient Water Infrastructure
As global demands for water infrastructure resilience grow ever [...]
Incorporating Sustainable Concepts Into Master Planning
Join us for this Optimatics webinar as we delve into [...]
Harnessing AI to Optimize Water Distribution and Supply Networks
View our latest webinar to see how you can [...]
The Optimatics Connection | Dec 2023
The Optimatics Connection | June 2023
The Optimatics Connection | Jan 2023
The Optimatics Connection | Sept 2022
We're proud to have partnered with Trinity River Authority of Texas (TRA) on a groundbreaking data-driven capital planning initiative!
Working alongside Kennedy Jenks, we helped TRA revolutionize its approach to infrastructure management at the Central Regional Wastewater System (CRWS), which serves 1.6 million customers in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
Using our AssetAdvanced™ Wastewater modules, we transformed raw condition assessment data from 100 miles of concrete pipes into actionable insights. Our machine learning algorithms helped identify critical assets and predict pipes with a high likelihood of being in poor condition, enabling TRA to develop a more strategic, risk-based capital improvement program.
The result? A more resilient wastewater system and smarter infrastructure investments that benefit the entire DFW metropolitan area.
Interested in learning more about this groundbreaking work? Let’s connect!
#Optimatics #TrinityRiverAuthority #Dallas #FortWorth #Water #Software #AssetAdvanced #Wastewater #KennedyJenks ... See MoreSee Less
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Optimatics | Plan Smarter
Optimatics is the world-leading provider of infrastructure planning software that enables water and wastewater utilities around the globe to avoid billions of dollars in costs while ensuring optimal p...American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation (WEF)'s Utility Management Conference will be held next week in Dallas!
Optimatics’ Alex Webb, Firas Rababaa, Josh Cantone, and Joel Knight will be in attendance, in addition to Alex and Firas's participation in the YP Summit.
Alex and Firas will also be presenting with Daniel Day, representing our client Howard County, MD. "From Reactive to Proactive: Howard County's Journey to Using AI Tools for Prioritizing Asset Management Projects" will be held at 2:30 PM on February 12 in Track 2. Don't miss it!
View the conference program:
Connect with Optimatics at the event:
#Optimatics #AWWA #WaterEnvironmentFederation #Conference #Utility #Water Howard County Government ... See MoreSee Less